Relocation Services Bulgaria
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Our full range of services
Click on any of the links below for a detailed description of how we can help you or your employees relocate to Bulgaria quicker and easier. Want to know more - contact us.

Immigration and legal assistance

Housing and property management

Schooling and partner employment

Language and cultural training

Entertainment and tourism

All of our services can be bundled in package that suits exclusively your needs.
Please click on the links above for more information or contact us for your custom package.

The best care for your family
Relocating to another country is always more stressful for the family people. Children may have to change curriculum and your partner may need to sacrifice his / her career.

Having lived the expatriate life ourselves, we understand those problems and have developed expertise in the field of partner employment and local education alternatives to match your needs.
Read testimonials |Contact Us for a price quote

The best for the little ones

Developing your business skills or investing in property - whatever your reason for relocating to Bulgaria is, there is no need to sacrifice your children's education to achieve your goals.

Relocation Services Bulgaria offers its clients a variety of education institutions and/or private tutors so that your little ones can have a smooth transition into their new surroundings.

More options to choose from

Being the spouse of a diplomat or an expatriate is not as easy as it might seem. However there is no longer
need to sacrifice your career - we have tailored some of our services exclusively for you:

Job hunting assistance Get help in finding the right job to suit your needs

Legal consulting We offer
assistance to all non EU citizens in
issuing their Bulgarian work permit

Want to help others? Trust us to find the best charity NGO to utilize your skills